One of the leading end-to-end HR solutions company with a focus on Executive Search, Recruitment & Staffing services to client organizations throughout Middle East Provinces.
License # B-0124/MUM/PART/1000+/3/5912/02,
Approved by Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Govt. Of India.
About Us
FIRDOS India, founded in 1994 & headquartered in Mumbai is one of the leading end-to-end HR solutions company with a focus on Executive Search, Recruitment & Staffing services to client organizations throughout Middle East Provinces. With a national presence & is the fastest growing HR company with the objective of providing comprehensive Staffing and Manpower solutions to the organizations in overseas market.

We are committed to share responsibilities with our clients in improving Staffing Effectiveness and Employee Retention by:
- Helping our clients in evolving manpower Plan
- Helping our clients in developing your Staffing Policy
- Assisting our clients in Search & Selection Process
- Facilitating post selection settling in of the candidate
- Providing regular Market Update to our clients
We envision delivering and delighting our clients as a solution provider, help build their human capital of effective people. To stretch and steer performing professionals towards their desired career path, while catering to create profitable organizations.
- FIRDOS was conceived and launched in 1994 by a set of New Age HR professionals with rich experiences from reputed transnational corporate.
- Our organized functioning & accountability towards delivery with a spirit of partnership has marked a dominant presence in providing quality staffing solutions.

Contingency Recruitment
This is an ongoing recruitment & placement activity to client organizations. We do a search for candidates through our internal, extensive and robust Databank, referrals and marketing activities. Resulting from the search, candidates with the right skill, knowledge, experience and attitude are short listed. Details about the position and client’s interest are then discussed with the short listed candidates further to which, an interview is organized between the candidate and the client, to take the position forward.
Turnkey Staffing
This is a service offering the right skill at the right time to fulfill a project or a position. It addresses the needs in all
the levels- junior, middle and senior management.

Cross-border Recruitment
This offering introduces professionals with the required background to meet particular client requirements, from anywhere in the world.

- Consistent investments in Information Technology and infrastructure to upgrade service quality.
- Customer oriented Organization, with Domain- specialist consultants with first-hand experience and knowledge of the sectors they represent.
- Ability to source large number of candidates in small towns and villages for tailored solutions based on specific client requirements.
- Recruitment Support, Seamless Migration, Structured On-boarding, Associate Training, Compliance Management & Customized Solutions.
- Our unique culture of seamless collaboration and knowledge-sharing allows us to go well beyond recruitment in facilitating and influencing business relationships toward value creation. Our clients benefit from knowing what we know.

Business Development Manager
Mr. Vikram Pal
Mobile Saudi Arabia : 0559945022
E Mail : palvikram.vmp@gmail.com

Marketing Manager
Mr. Imtiyaz Ahmad
Mobile Saudi Arabia : 0537444011
Mobile India : +918115892607
E Mail : abdulqadr211@gmail.com
HEAD OFFICE19, Shantiniketan, L.J. Road,
Mahim (W), Mumbai – 400016 (India)Tel: +91 22 24451464, +91 22 24456395
Mobile No : +91 88500 40698
E-mail: firdosts@yahoo.co.in
REGIONAL OFFICE27- B, 2nd Floor, Nambardar Sadan,
Near Lions Kidney Hospital,
NFC, New Delhi – 110025
Tel: +91 11 32215367, +91 11 65960841
Fax: +91 11 26843582
E-mail : firdosts@gmail.com, firdos365@gmail.com ahmadwaseem421@gmail.com
Skype Id: waseem.ahmad676@skype.com
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